11/30 Tuesday - 5 mile long run (wow... this will be a big step!!! exciting!)
11/28 Sunday - 4x400
11/27 Saturday - 3-mile tempo
11/25 Thursday - tempo run - It was 20 degrees, so I managed to get out there and run an estimated 2 miles (according to my Grandpa), but there was a little walking involved and I certainly wasn't going fast... I went 2 miles in 27-28 minutes... but I think it still qualifies as tempo since I was struggling with my lungs and I was pushing myself. So, good for me! Feeling it in my right shin... take ibuprofen before run on Saturday...
Total 17 Sedentary Nature 1 Scheduling difficulty 1
11/22 Monday - speed work - After a hard day I warmed up by walking 10 minutes, stretching for a bit... and jogging at 4.0 pace for 15 minutes, then I did .5 miles at 6.0 pace, then I did .5 miles at 4.0 pace, then I did .5 miles at 6.0 pace... then I wanted to stop, but I kept jogging at a 3.5 pace for .5 miles and then I did .5 miles at 6.0... then I started cooling down and walked for 10 minutes and went to stretch outside and wait for my boss.
Total 3 x 800 m at 6.0, total jogging = 3.5 miles
Breathing fine, right shin felt weird...but I took it down from 6.7 to 6.0 to "take it easier"
Total 16 Sedentary Nature 1 Scheduling difficulty 1
11/20 Saturday - long run... 3.5 miles... OUTSIDE... ate a luna bar and drank some water one hour before... 15 minute warm up, 3.5 miles running outside... jogging felt good in my body, but bad in my lungs... was wheezing pretty much the entire time and had an asthma attack at 3 miles...cooled down by walking and stretching... UPDATE: Pace may have been 5.1, 11 m. 45 s., which was faster than I had generally been going outside! Longer runs may require that I run a little slower and maybe I'll need a face mask to warm the air I am breathing.
so... started using my inhaler...2 puffs a day...rinse mouth after use...done!
Total 15 Sedentary Nature 1 Scheduling difficulty 1
11/16 Tuesday - long run... 4 miles...long day... warmed up for 15 minutes, started jogging and it didn't feel very good. So I kept going for 1.5 miles, stopped to stretch because my legs didn't feel very good, then another 1.5 miles, stopped to stretch, and another 1 mile... it was all at 4.5 pace. cooled down for 15 minutes, stretched...
Total 14 Sedentary Nature 1 Scheduling difficulty 1
11/14 Sunday - 2.65 mile tempo outside... went to Kendall/MIT stop for the second group run, met Molly S., warmed up by walking to the river and then started jogging, ate a luna bar 1.25 hours before, drank .7 L of water on the way there, felt good, was able to continue a conversation with a bit of effort, got shoulder cramps, remember to stretch shoulders more during run to avoid cramping! Beautiful scenery... 2.65 miles in 33 minutes for a 12.5 minute mile pace (4.8 miles per hour)...walked it out for 10 minutes and then did some stretches! And back home for some chocolate milk...mmmm...
Total 13 Sedentary Nature 1 Scheduling difficulty 1
11/13 Saturday - 3 x 800 m, speed workout... warmed up walking for 15 minutes, jogged for 10 minutes, then ran 800 m at 6.7 pace, then walked 400 m, then 800 m at 6.7 pace, then walked 400 m, then 800 m at 6.7 pace, then a cool down for 15 minutes...55 minutes of moving followed by 20 minutes stretching/strength... followed by some chocolate milk!
Total 12 Sedentary Nature 1 Scheduling difficulty 1
11/11 thursday, 2x800... I had no time to fit this one in... boo...not doing well at integrating speed...
Laura 11 Sedentary Nature 1 Scheduling difficulty 1
11/9 tuesday, long run 3.5 mile... started with 15 minute walk to warm up, ran 1.5 miles at 5.0 pace, stomach felt bad the whole time, but I just kept running... stopped to hit the restroom, got light-headed...laid on a bench for a minute... decided it might be low blood sugar, ate a luna bar...got back on the treadmill and figured I shouldn't start running while I was digesting. 15 minutes of walking. started up my run and it felt better... 2 more miles at 5.0 pace... followed by 15 minutes of walking cool down... total time on the treadmill? 87 minutes!
Laura 11 Sedentary Nature .5 Scheduling difficulty .5
11/7 Sunday -cross-training day...35 minutes on the elliptical, 30 minutes of strength/stretching...
Laura 10 Sedentary Nature .5 Scheduling difficulty .5
11/6 - outdoor run with the group... took ibuprofen an hour before, ate a luna bar, 1.5 mile tempo went really well...felt really good to be able to run with other girls without feeling like I was holding them back... lots of stretching afterward
Laura 9 Sedentary Nature .5 Scheduling difficulty .5
11/5 - attempted 1.5 mile tempo...got over-confident and skipped warm-up. This led to getting a stitch in my side and my shin started hurting... I did travel 1.8 miles, but it was an unhappy journey. It was also freezing and raining. ugh...iced, compressed, and elevated shin (or attempted to do that in my own way anyway...)
Laura 8 Sedentary Nature .5 Scheduling difficulty .5
11/2 - 15 minute warm-up on the treadmill, 3.5-4 mile run in 50 minutes on the treadmill, and 10 minute cooldown, then stretching...felt good, probably could go faster...drank the chocolate milk after, having spinach salad with a little tuna and guac for dinner!
Laura 7 Sedentary Nature .5 Scheduling difficulty .5
11/1 - Blip in the healthy living schedule during Halloween festivities...getting back on track...jogged 1 mile outside today on the way to an appointment... (not 1.5 miles, but maybe I'll skip the speed one this week and just do 1 long and 2 tempos... I was outside, it was nice...
Laura 7 Sedentary Nature .5 Scheduling difficulty .5
10/28 - fast 800 - warm up, .5 miles (800 m?) at 6.7 mph, roughly 9 minute mile pace...felt pretty fast, but didn't get a stitch or anything - cooled down... went home to scrambled eggs, yum.
Laura 6 Sedentary Nature .5 Scheduling Difficulty .5
10/25 - non-running extra day, 5 minute warm-up walk, 5 minute bike ride, 10 minute elliptical warm up...30 minute elliptical-ing...20 minute cool down (5+ miles traveled on the elliptical!)... 20 minute stretching/core
Laura 5 Sedentary Nature .5 Scheduling Difficulty .5
10/24 - 1 mile tempo, 5.5 mile, +10 minute warm up and short cool down...not enough cooling down or stretching...no tummy cramps or sharp pains...the gym closes at 7...note to self...they will kick you out!
Laura 4 Sedentary Nature .5 Scheduling Difficulty .5
10/22/10 - 30 minute walk to an appointment, then walked to the gym, did a 5 minute additional warm up... and jogged 3 miles! 42.5 minutes one mile at 4.0, one mile at 5.0 and one mile at 4.0...then a few minutes of cool down and stretching, and then 15 minutes of walking to the T station... and another 15 minute walk...
Laura 3 Sedentary Nature .5 Scheduling Difficulty .5
10/19-10/21 - meant to do step 3 (400m fast)...but midterms interrupted...
Laura 2 Sedentary Nature .5 Scheduling Difficulty .5
10/17/10 - 1-mile tempo - Head to the gym for step 2 of 58 - 15 minute warm up on a weird eliptical like machine that lets you determine your stride - 12 minute run at 5.0 pace (slow, but wanted to make sure I didn't cramp up and feel bad) - admittedly got kind of tired but just kept going...then 13 minutes of walking slowly uphill and 15-20 minutes of stretching/core work/cool down...treated myself by buying 1% chocolate milk for after my run...or was I supposed to drink some of this before my run? Must review my rules...
Laura: 2 Sedentary Nature: 0
10/15/10 - 3-mile long run- Head to the gym for first step in training... (There are 58 steps until the half-marathon!); I had limited confidence so I jogged at 3.5 speed for 3 miles (51 minutes)...admittedly, super slow...but I was legit jogging! To warm up, I did the elliptical for 15 minutes and stretched my shoulders since they cramp up whenever I run, I tried to keep my hands loose and not in fists and watching Thintervention & America's Next Top Model, walked back home and stretched... and now lunch... see you soon journal.
Laura: 1 Sedentary Nature: 0
10/13/10 - Join Beacon Hill Athletic Club, Decide to run Half Marathon in February 2011
Get Semi-Personalized training schedule from Dani Grigsby
10/15 Week 1: 1x400; 1-mile tempo; 3-mile long run XX
10/22 Week 2: 1x800; 1-mile tempo; 3-mile long run XXX
10/29 Week 3: 2x400; 1.5 mile tempo; 3.5-mile long run XX
11/5 Week 4: 2x800; 1.5 mile tempo; 3.5-mile long run XXX
11/12 Week 5: 3x400; 2-mile tempo; 4-mile long run XXX
11/19 Week 6: 3x800; 2-mile tempo; 4-mile long run XXX
11/26 Week 7: 4x400; 3-mile tempo; 5-mile long run
12/3 Week 8: 4x800; 3-mile tempo; 5-mile long run
12/10 Week 9: 4x400; 3-mile tempo; 6-mile long run
12/17 Week 10: 4x800; 4-mile tempo; 6-mile long run
12/24 Week 11: 4x800; 4-mile tempo; 8-mile long run
12/31 Week 12: 3x1600; 5-mile tempo; 10-mile long run
1/7 Week 13: 6x400; 6-mile tempo; 6-mile long run
1/14 Week 14: 3x1600; 4-mile tempo; 10-mile long run
1/21 Week 15: 4x800; 8-mile tempo; 8-mile long run
1/28 Week 16: 6x400; 6-mile tempo; 10-mile long run
2/4 Week 17: 4x1600; 8-mile tempo; 12-mile long run
2/11 Week 18: 3x800; 6-mile tempo; 8-mile long run
2/18: Week 19: 3x800; 3-mile tempo; 6-mile long run
2/25 Week 20: 2-mile tempo; RACE DAY!
10/12/10 - Considering life with a gym
10/11/10 - Last day of free membership - 30 min. elliptical, 10 min. stairmaster
10/10/10 - 20 min. elliptical, 20 min stairmaster
10/9/10 - Yoga at BSC - Inspired by fitness around me, start talking about joining the gym...get free 3 day pass from Chelsea Graham
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