12/28 Wednesday - Elliptical machine for 15 minutes warm up, 30 minutes at 8, 15 minutes of cool down, exercising every day until new year's should help make up for a slow month...
Total 150 Sedentary Nature 14 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
12/27 Tuesday - Elliptical machine for 15 minutes warm up 30 minutes at 10, 15 minutes cool down... exercising every day until new year's should help make up for a slow month...
Total 149 Sedentary Nature 14 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
12/26 Monday - Elliptical machine for 15 minutes warm up 30 minutes at 10, 15 minutes cool down... exercising every day until new year's should help make up for a slow month...
Total 148 Sedentary Nature 14 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
12/25 Sunday - Elliptical machine for 15 minutes warm up 30 minutes at 8, 15 minutes cool down... exercising every day until new year's should help make up for a slow month...
Total 147 Sedentary Nature 14 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
12/24 Saturday - Elliptical machine for 15 minutes warm up 30 minutes at 8, 15 minutes cool down ... exercising every day until new year's should help make up for a slow month...
Total 146 Sedentary Nature 14 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
12/23 Friday Elliptical machine for 15 minutes warm up 30 minutes at 8, 15 minutes cool down... exercising every day until new year's should help make up for a slow month...
Total 145 Sedentary Nature 14 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
12/18 this was a boo-hoo-ey day... I went to the SFSPCA and walked a couple of miles fast...
Total 144 Sedentary Nature 14 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
12/17 - I think I might have jogged 2 miles this day... not sure though
12/16 Friday
The goal was to jog 30 minutes, regardless of pace... I jogged 34 minutes...and covered 3.25 miles! Go me! Lots of stretching, hot shower...and then icing? And hopefully I'll do 2 miles tomorrow and 3 miles Sunday... the old long-term goal was exercising consistently for a year (accomplished October 15, 2011)...I'm not sure what my new goal is... 5 miles at once? doing some kind of fun race? hmmmm
Total 143 Sedentary Nature 12 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
12/11 Sunday - Jogged 3 miles, I was jogging for 30 minutes straight!!! Yay! stretched, hot showered, and iced my shins...
Total 142 Sedentary Nature 12 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
12/4 - Sunday - my legs hurt and i was completely exhausted... and so I did yoga instead for about a half an hour... not sure if it was exercise, but I hot tubbed before and iced my legs afterward in the hopes of decreasing pain before the coming week!
Total 141 Sedentary Nature 12 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
12/3 - Saturday - woke up before a crazy busy day and got out and exercised! 2 miles in 22-23 minutes! Go team!
Total 141 Sedentary Nature 11 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
12/2 - Friday - Jogged 2.23 miles with less than 10 minute miles! Go me!
Total 140 Sedentary Nature 11 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
11/27 - Sunday - Jogged 2 miles and walked home with groceries...and walked to movie and back...
Total 139 Sedentary Nature 11 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
11/26 - Saturday - Jogged 2.5 miles, and walked half mile warm up and cool down...core muscles very sore from yoga...ooowww....
Total 138 Sedentary Nature 11 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
11/25 - Friday 1 hour of yoga, followed by traveling 2.7 miles home... 1.65 miles jogging...
Total 137 Sedentary Nature 11 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
11/20 - Sunday - walked .42 miles, jogged 2.15 miles in 24 minutes...picked up stuff from the grocery store (multiple poundage) and walked all of that stuff home. 2 birds, one stone!
Total 136 Sedentary Nature 11 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
11/19 - Saturday - walked 1.2 miles...jogged 2.1 miles back from animal shelter in 24 minutes
Total 135 Sedentary Nature 11 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
11/18 - Friday - Jogged 2.2 miles in 24 minutes
Total 134 Sedentary Nature 11 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
11/12 Jogged 2 miles with a hill involved while visiting DC!
Total 133 Sedentary Nature 11 Scheduling difficulty 20 Injury/Illness 8
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