6/16/2012 - Saturday - Jogged 3.12 miles in 34 minutes and 50
seconds. 11 minutes a mile...I'm not a speed demon yet, but I will get
Total 85 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 7 Injury/Illness 3
6/15/2012 - Friday - Jogged 2.7 miles in 31 minutes...yay!
Total 84 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 7 Injury/Illness 3
6/10 - Sunday - Jogged 2.4 miles in ? minutes... good for me! 8 miles in one weekend!
Total 83 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 7 Injury/Illness 3
6/9 - Saturday - Jogged 3 miles in 32 minutes
Total 82 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 7 Injury/Illness 3
6/8 - Friday - Jogged 2.7 miles in 30 minutes (5 workouts ahead of last year!)
Total 81 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 7 Injury/Illness 3
6/3 - skipped, storming.
Total 80 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 7 Injury/Illness 3
6/2 - skipped, storming while i visited maine
Total 80 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 6 Injury/Illness 3
6/1 - Friday - elliptical machine for 50 minutes, 40 @ 8.
Total 80 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 3
- Jogged 2.6 miles in 30 minutes (with a little walking and some extra
jogging in place to get me to 30 minutes) - 9 workouts ahead of this
time last year.
Total 79 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 3
- Jogged 3.5 miles in 41 minutes. Going super slow, but I kept moving
in a jogging type way except for 20 seconds of walking/messing w/my
Ipod. 8 workouts ahead of this time last year!
Total 78 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 3
5/26 - Walked 4 miles in 72 minutes
Total 77 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 3
5/25 - Jogged 2.73 miles in 32 minutes. Much more stretching...
Total 76 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 3
Total 75 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 3
5/19 - jogging for 35 minutes
Total 75 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
5/18 - Elliptical machine 60 minutes, went bowling for 2 hours that night...maybe that counted as two workouts?
Total 74 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
5/13 - elliptical machine - 80 minutes, 6 miles, stretching, ab work (7 workouts ahead of this time last year!)
Total 73 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
5/12 - elliptical machine - 40 minutes, 3 miles, stretching, ab work
Total 72 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
5/11 - elliptical machine - 80 minutes, 6 miles, stretching, ab work
Total 71 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
5/6 - elliptical machine - 80 minutes, 6 miles, stretching, ab work
Total 70 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
5/5 - elliptical machine - 80 minutes, 6 miles, stretching, ab work
Total 69 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
5/4 - elliptical machine - 80 minutes, 6 miles, stretching, ab work
Total 68 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
4/30 - elliptical machine - 80 minutes, 6 miles, stretching, ab work
Total 67 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
-elliptical machine - 75 minutes total - 10 minutes @ 1, 60 minutes at
5, & 5 minutes at 1 = 6 miles traveled, stretching, ab work, go
Total 66 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
4/27 - elliptical machine - 45 minutes, 10 minutes @1, 30 minutes @ 8, 5 minutes @ 1, 3 miles traveled, stretching, ab work
Total 65 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
4/26 - elliptical machine - 45 minutes, 10 minutes @ 1, 30 minutes @ 10, 5 minutes @ 1. Traveled 3 miles, stretching, ab work
Total 64 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
4/23 - elliptical machine - 75 minutes, 40 minutes at 8, 35 @ 1. Traveled 6 miles!
Total 63 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
4/21 - elliptical machine 45 minutes? comp broken... I know I did something.
Total 62 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
4/20 - elliptical machine 40 minutes? comp broken...i know I did something.
Total 61 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
4/15 - elliptical machine 60 minutes (30 minutes @ 10)
Total 60 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
4/14 - elliptical machine, 60 minutes (30 minutes @ 10)
Total 59 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
4/13 - elliptical machine, 15 minute warm up, 25 minutes at 8, 15 minutes at 10, 10 minutes at 1.
Total 58 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
4/8 - elliptical machine, 10 minute warm up, 30 minutes at 8, 10 minute cool down
Total 57 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
4/7 - elliptical machine, 15 minute warm up at 1, 30 minutes at 8, 10 minutes at 1, 15 minutes strength building
Total 56 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
4/6 - elliptical machine for 30 minutes + 10 buffer
Total 55 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
4/1 - elliptical machine
Total 54 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
3/31 - strep throat, no go.
Total 53 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 2
3/30 - strep throat, no go.
Total 53 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 1
3/27 - still feeling like I'm looking pretty good...but my weight is up a bit. Boo.
3/25 - Hungover. Lazy on vacation.
Total 53 Sedentary Nature 4 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 0
3/24 - Jogged 2.5 miles!
Total 53 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 0
3/23 - Traveling...
Total 52 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 5 Injury/Illness 0
3/20 - Went walking for 45 minutes w/Bethany!
Total 52 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 4 Injury/Illness 0
3/18 - Exercised in the Bahamas again! Ellipticalling for 45 minutes
Total 51 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 4 Injury/Illness 0
3/17 - Got up in the Bahamas! And went exercising! jogged 2+ miles
Total 50 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 4 Injury/Illness 0
3/16 - Traveling...skipped.
Total 49 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 4 Injury/Illness 0
- Elliptical, 10 minute warm up @ 1, 10 minute @ 8, 10 minutes @ 10, 10
minutes @ 8, 15 minute cool down @ 1 = overall 55 minutes.
Total 49 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 3 Injury/Illness 0
3/10 - Elliptical, 15 minute warm up, 30 minutes at 10, 10 minute cool down, 10 minute walk to store, carried groceries home
Total 48 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 3 Injury/Illness 0
- Running - 30 minutes jogging...3 miles... roughly 6 MPH w/warm up and
minimal cool down. Hot soak later. Very productive day.
Total 47 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 3 Injury/Illness 0
- Stair stepping... walked up and down my back staircase (80 steps) for
25 minutes... I was so tired, and I was going to skip it and pretend I
would exercise during the week...but I got up and did it!
Total 46 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 3 Injury/Illness 0
- Stair stepping...walked up and down my back stair case (80 steps) for
25 minutes... wow, that's a workout... my legs shake after that...
Total 45 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 3 Injury/Illness 0
3/2 - Elliptical 10 minute warm up @1, 35 minutes @ 8, 10 minute cool down
Total 44 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 3 Injury/Illness 0
Sunday - Elliptical 2 minute warm up @ 1, 30 minutes @ 10, 2 minute
cool down, walk home...- rushed work out d/t commitments for the
socialness! (5 work outs behind if I do this one!
Total 43 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 3 Injury/Illness 0
2/25 Saturday - Elliptical10 minutes warm up, then 30 minutes at 10, then 10 minutes cool down.
Total 42 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 3 Injury/Illness 0
2/24 Friday - Elliptical machine for 15 minutes warm up, then 30 minutes at 8, 15 minutes cool down ...\
Total 41 Sedentary Nature 3 Scheduling difficulty 3 Injury/Illness 0
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